MABI EVO Coilblitz
Fully automated sheet metal changer
Fully automated sheet metal changer
Fully automatic sheet metal changer for large coils (in combination with MABI 6C 1250mm), optional for:
- MABI Bingo 2 EVO = Fully automatic
- MABI 16-4Z EVO = Semiautomatic
- MABI Bingo 4E EVO = Semiautomatic
- MABI Bingo 16-Z EVO = Semiautomatic
- MABI 3000E EVO Laser = Semiautomatic
Simple sheet changeover in seconds at the push of a button. Suitable for all MABI EVO machines. Ask for a quote without obligation.
Product award for the MABI EVO Coilblitz at the ISO 2012.

MABI Planer
The 3D workshop planer
Plan the layout of your customized workshop by drag and drop and save or print your planning.